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Enhance your powers

Qual a sua renda familiar?
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O que os nossos alunos dizem sobre o programa

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Aline Bento

"Sou muito grata à equipe do Bold. O programa é incrível, com atividades sempre novas para explorar o autoconhecimento e o crescimento profissional. Mal posso esperar pelo próximo tema, pela realização das atividades, pelas aulas e pelas trocas em sala, mesmo que online."

O que preciso para participar?

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Perfil desejado:

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Renda familiar:

Até 4 salários mínimos


Não cobramos nada de você além de dedicação e comprometimento para fazer o seu futuro acontecer.

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Está em buscar do seu emprego dos sonhos

Stages of the Professional Acceleration Program

This is the step-by-step guide for you to finalize your enrollment in our professional acceleration program.
To join the journey it is necessary that you complete each step of the registration process


Application form

The first step is to register in the form, to proceed with your process and join the journey


VIP Group Access

After signing up, you need to access the VIP group on WhatsApp, there we will provide all the necessary instructions.




Access to Google GC

After joining the VIP group, we will provide you with access to our Google Classroom, where we will make the study materials available.

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Acesso ao Google GC

Após entrar no grupo vip, vamos fornecer a você o acesso ao nosso Google Classroom, onde vamos disponibilizar os materiais de estudo.




Beginning of the Bold journey

After you go through all the steps, we will invite you to our inaugural meeting

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Our focus is your opportunity!

Certificationat the end of each Journey to use asadditional hours

Training100% freeabout skills that the market is most looking for;

Develop thefuture skillsWhat companies are most looking for

connect withmentorsof the best companies on the market. 

Conquer the opportunity to join the next Bold training courses

Having the opportunity to win ajoband participate in other iBold training courses

Common questions

Empresas parceiras

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Do not miss this opportunity,

subscribe now!

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